
bail bonds gavel

What to Do While Out on Bail

Being released on bail leading up to your trial allows you to attend work and other responsibilities and avoid employment or housing loss. You are not entirely free when you post bail; you have some essential duties to fulfill to avoid forfeiting the collateral backing your bail bond. Follow our tips, and you can avoid… Read more »

Who is in Jail and Why?

There is a false public perception that jails across the country are overcrowded with people who have committed non-violent crimes and are in prison simply because they cannot afford bail. Non-violent crimes include those that do not involve force or cause injury to an individual. Economic damage and loss to an individual determine the seriousness… Read more »

Why are Bail Bond Fees Non-Refundable?

Bail agents get asked this question often. A bail bond fee, or a premium, is akin to an insurance product where an individual pays the price for a product or service. In the bail bond case, the agent offers to get your loved one out of jail and assume financial liability for the defendant. They… Read more »

Can You Bail Someone Out from Another State?

Can you bail someone out from another state? Yes, yes, you can. However, the process is a little bit different than conventional bail bonds. Let’s walk you through it. Having close friends or loved ones living in different states can be stressful. It might make you feel like you cannot help them if something goes… Read more »

Risk Assessments Put Your Safety At Risk

Senator John Kennedy, who represents Louisiana in the U.S. Senate, recently wrote an opinion piece for Fox News titled, “Bail, bond decisions are being made today with algorithms – that puts your safety at risk.” He stated that “Algorithms diminish public safety in this country. They ask us to pretend that lengthy arrest records and… Read more »

Lessons Learned From Atlanta

Several Fail To Appear for Court After Ordinance State Of Atlanta May Point to Trouble for Other States With much of the U.S. currently considering a future without bonds for certain crimes, we should note how that change has affected Atlanta. On February 6, 2018, the mayor of Atlanta, Keisha Lance Bottoms, signed Ordinance NO…. Read more »

Bail Reform: Who is watching the criminals

Many states across the country are passing bail reform mandates to eliminate monetary bail. The mantra is that too many people are being held in jail solely because they cannot afford money bail for their release. And, they have not been proven guilty for the crime they were arrested for. Monetary bail is now being… Read more »

Organized Retail Theft: Criminals Not Afraid

Organized retail crime (ORC) refers to professional shoplifting, cargo theft, retail crime rings and other organized crime occurring in retail environments. One person acting alone is not considered an example of organized retail crime. These criminals move from store to store and even city to city. You have probably seen videos on social media or news outlets showing groups rushing into a store and swiping… Read more »

Supreme Court Denies Georgia Cash Bail Reform Challenge

According to a report by Reason Magazine, the Supreme Court denied a Georgia cash bail reform case on Monday, April 1, 2019. The denied case was Maurice Walker v. City of Calhoun, Georgia, and it challenged how long courts and jails in the state can hold a defendant after arrest if they can’t afford their… Read more »

Is Georgia Putting a Stop to Cash Bail?

Cash bail is the process of paying money for release from jail while you await your trial. And, the State of Georgia may be closing the doors on the system entirely. According to an opinion piece by Marc Hyden, Director of State Government Affairs at the R Street Institute, Georgia is taking the first steps… Read more »